A Collection Of American First World War Posters.

Poster for the Mayors Committee by James Montgomery Flagg, 1917.

"I want you for U.S. Army nearest recruiting station" by James Montgomery Flagg, 1917.

Poster depicting a woman, a passenger from the Lusitania, submerged in water while cradling an infant in her arms. By Fred Spear, 1915.

Unknown creator sometime between 1914 and 1918.

Poster publicising the World War One American Ambulance service, The Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection, 1914.

US Army Recruiting poster by Herbert Paus, 1919.

Enlistment poster by Laura Brey, 1917.

Poster for new immigrants reading "Food will win the war - You came here seeking freedom, now you must help to preserve it - Wheat is needed for the allies - waste nothing". by C. E. Chambers, 1917.

Liberty Bonds Poster by J.L. Grosse, 1918.

Fight or Buy by Howard Chandler Christy, 1917.

National War Garden poster by leonobel jacobs, 1918.

Motor Corps Of America by Howard Chandler Christy, 1918.

Enlistment poster "Go over the top with U.S. Marines" by John A. Coughlin, 1917.

Second War Fund poster by Charles W. Bartlett, 1918.

Fourth Liberty Bonds Loan poster by Joseph Pennell 1918.

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